Cost of Ketamine Infusion Treatments

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Our Ketamine Infusion Room

Please note although we are providing general pricing information for the ketamine infusions, pricing varies based on your consultation with Dr. Kalava and your treatment plan.

Prices Overview:

  • Initial Consultation fee: $300 (In Person)

  • Telehealth Visit: $200

  • Treatment for Mood Disorders(Depression | Anxiety | PTSD)

    1. 40 Minute Infusion: $600/infusion

  • Pain treatment (per infusion): Please schedule your consultation

In addition to expertly administering the Ketamine:

  • Our facility is the state-of-the-art, blending luxury with cutting-edge medicine to create a beautiful and immaculate space for you to heal.

  • Dr. Kalava or his assistants are in the room with you at all times to monitor your vital signs and ensure your comfort.

  • We provide any supplemental medications you may need during the treatment.

Patients typically require 6-8 treatments to experience a clinical response.

Is Ketamine Infusion Therapy covered by insurance?

Ketamine Infusion Therapy for depression is considered to be an “off-label” use and is not a service reimbursed by the insurance companies. As such, patients are expected to cover the costs of their treatments. We offer affordable rates, enabling patients to take advantage of this effective therapy. If you decide to apply for reimbursement, we will provide you the necessary documents to support your claim.

To Schedule a Consultation: