Piriformis Syndrome Pain Management Specialist in Tampa, FL

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Piriformis Syndrome Pain Management Tampa

Piriformis Muscle and Sciatic Nerve

The piriformis muscle is a flat, band-like muscle (orange muscle in image) located in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint. The muscle stabilizes the hip joint, lifts and rotates the thigh away from the body, enabling us to walk and maintain balance. The image shows the sciatic nerve (thick yellow structure in image) passing alongside below the piriformis muscle.

What is Piriformis Syndrome?

Piriformis Syndrome is a painful condition that develops when the piriformis muscle in the buttock compresses and irritates the sciatic nerve. Symptoms include pain, tingling, or numbness in the buttocks and down the leg. The pain may worsen when sitting for long periods of time, climbing stairs, walking, or running.

Who is at risk of developing Piriformis Syndrome?

Pilots, truck drivers, runners and triathletes are at high risk of developing piriformis syndrome.

Step in Diagnosis & Managing Piriformis Syndrome:

  1. Clinical Examination

  2. Diagnostic Nerve Block (Ultrasound-Guided)

What treatments are available?

  • Physical Therapy & Stretching

  • Ultrasound-Guided Piriformis Injection (Local Anesthetic)

  • Ultrasound-Guided Piriformis Injection of BOTOX

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kalava to get back to doing the activities that you enjoy.