Tail Bone Pain(Coccydynia) Specialist in Tampa, FL

  1. What causes tail bone pain (Coccydynia)?

Pain arising in or around the bony structure at the lower most part of the spine can be caused by arthritis, after child birth, trauma from a fall on to the buttocks, of prolonged sitting on a hard surface.

Typical pain feels like an “ache” and at times can be sharp. Pain is usually made worse with prolonged sitting, going from a seated to standing position or standing for prolonged periods. Passing bowel and sex might also cause pain. In women, menstruation can become painful.

2. How is tail bone pain treated?


CONSERVATIVE THERAPY: (For an Acute Episode)

-Using a doughnut pillow

-Applying ice/heat



-Physical Therapy/Massage

-Ganglion Impar Block

-Radio Frequency Ablation

-LASER Therapy



Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kalava to get back to doing the activities you enjoy.